

Page history last edited by Travis Gentry 10 months ago

Updated 4-24-24


All 2016 Section Training Opportunities can be found on the SR7B website: http://sr7b.org/



Chapter Leadership Summit

Order of the Arrow

Southern Region, Section 7B



Every Chapter & Lodge Leader Trained in 2014!



Date: October 24-25, 2014

Online registration closes: October 17, 2014 (ONLINE REGISTRATION EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 22, 2014)

Time: 8:00 PM- 9:00 PM Check-in; Sessions begin at 9:00 PM Friday. Sessions will run until 4:00 PM Saturday


Cost: $15.00 includes all meals, materials and patch


Registration website: http://tiny.cc/tnaujx


Participants should bring a tent and sleeping gear, a laptop computer if they have one and be prepared to wear their scout uniform with sash. If you have a wifi hotspot you will need it. CPAP users bring a long extension cord or a battery set up.


Please fill out and bring the BSA Med Form Parts A and B (no doctor required): http://www.scouting.org/filestore/healthsafety/pdf/680-001_ab.pdf


Open to all arrowmen, the focus will be on chapter chiefs, vice-chiefs, advisers and will now feature special training for OA Troop Representatives, OA Assistant Scoutmasters. We will now feature a Trainer Development Program (a Train the Trainer) to support lodges efforts to help trainers to become better and to assist chapters back home. Lodge level Vice-Chiefs, committee chairs and advisers are also welcomed and encouraged to take part in this new program.

Participants can sign up for:

A) Year 1 Program (to include all chapter level leaders, OA Troop Representatives and OA Assistant Scoutmasters)




B) Trainer Development Program (to include anyone who has taken CLS before, all  Lodge level vice-chiefs or lodge level committee chairpersons, and or advisers and chapter advisers).


FAQ's: Chapter Leadership Summit and Trainer Development FAQ 2014.docx


Map of Camp Tuscarora: Camp Tuscarora Map, 2014.pdf

Map directions to Camp Tuscarora: Directions_Camp_Tuscarora 2014.pdf


Introducing the 2014 CLS and Trainer Development Staff

Kenneth Erickson- Chairman

Taylor Bobrow

Andrew Gannon

Travis Broadhurst

Andrew Tucker

Kyle Bisbee

Travis Gentry- Adviser

Art Bisbee

Larry Warlick

Jason Price

Andrew Erickson

Section AIA Committee- (special training sessions on Indian Affairs- Friday night)



Resource Area


Leadership Links

Chapter Meeting Ideas: http://oa-bsa.org/resources/chapter/

Chapter Operations Guide 2012 Update: COG-2012.pdf  


Journey To Excellence (JTE) Links

JTE Guidebook (2012 Update): http://www.oa-bsa.org/resources/pubs/jteguide-2012.pdf

JTE Overview and Links: http://www.oa-bsa.org/annc/g11/jte/


Elections Links

Sample Unit Elections Guidebook (Vice-Chief of Elections and Camping Promotions):  VCECP Manual 2012.pdf


  Indian Affairs Links

Indian Affairs and Ceremonies (ceremonial scripts and cross over scripts): http://aia118.pbworks.com/w/page/58652512/AIA118

ia section dance in box.pdf

ia section data plan book 2013.pdf

ia section other dances.pdf

ia section suit up.pdf


Unit Leadership Links

OA Troop Representative Program: http://www.oa-bsa.org/programs/ttr/

OA Assistant Scoutmaster information and best methods: http://www.oa-bsa.org/resources/forms/unitexcellenceaward-2013.pdf


OA Troop Representative and OA Assistant Scoutmaster Information

PowerPoint: Order of the Arrow Troop Representative and OA Assistant Scoutmaster ppt.pptx


Program Information 2014


Training Syllabus Overview, Schedule with Staffing Updated 10-8-14

CLS: CLS Schedule Detailed with Staffing 10-10-14.doc

TD: TD Schedule Detailed with Staffing 10-10-14.doc


Participant Guidebooks 2014

CLS: CLS Guidebook 2014 Year 1 10-22-14.pdf

TD: TD Guidebook 2014 10-23-14.pdf


Evaluation: 2014 CLS_Trainer Development Evaluation.docx



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